Sunday, November 2, 2008

Top Ten Week Ending Nov. 2nd

Going to start a Top Ten List for each week ( well going to attempt to post a new one every week). Just a random list of the top ten things that impressed me, that
I like, and that pissed me off.

Top Ten (in no paticular order) for Week Ending November 2nd.
1. T Sizzle’s interception / touchdown return – Thus the Ravens beat the Browns. Flacco looked good and Ray Rice looked amazing.
2. Halloween Candy
3. Egg and Cheese Bagel Sandwich on Saturday morning
4. Gas Prices dropping dramatically.
5. My Dad buying a brand new Turbo Diesel VW Jetta
6. 70 degree weather on November 1st
7. Free shots of Patron – Gran Patron (
8. Being hung over all day Sunday due to shots of Patron.
9. Knowing I have no more weddings to attend this year.
10. Monday Night Football Tickets

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea!